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A guide to caldarium wellness spaces

Temperature range: 30 – 40°C

To sweat/purge: 50 – 55oC

Percentage Humidity: 40 – 50%

What is a caldarium?

The caldarium, also called a calidarium, is a part of classic Roman thermal bath and is a warm or hot room with gentle steam. In a caldarium, the walls, floors and benches are heated by floor heating (warm-air heating).

The air humidity is almost 100 %, while the air temperature is below the wall temperature. This ensures a warm, humid climate making it easier to bathe for longer.

A caldarium is often used as preparation for a highly tempered sauna, or by people who are unable to visit a hotter sauna because of circulatory issues. Children getting used to the sauna lifestyle can also use the caldarium.

Relax on the loungers to let the steam open your pores and clean your skin. If preferred, rub on scented oil or exfoliants to help the skin cleaning process. Some Caldariums incorporate heated plunge baths or hoses may be provided for cooling off and refreshing.

Benefits of a caldarium

The intensive heat in a caldarium penetrates deep into your body and promotes blood circulation, stimulates metabolism and has a positive effect on the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems.

Tense muscles relax, your skin becomes smoother, stress seems to melt away, and sore joints and limbs are soothed. Perfect conditions, in other words, for those who want to avoid excessive stress, or relax deeply.

The temperature can be set to your individual preference. To relax, it should be set within the body temperature range – between 30° and 40°C. To sweat or detoxify, it should be set to 50° to 60 °C. Humidity is low, at around 20%, and the air itself is not as hot as the walls. This means you can stay inside for longer. It is recommended that a caldarium is used two to three times per week, at 20 to 30 minutes per session.

Some caldariums have chromotherapy lighting and essential oils can also be used to stimulate the senses.

At Dröm UK, we can design and build all kinds of wellness areas to suit your property and use, including Caldariums.



Talk to the design team at Dröm UK about your wellness project.