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Halotherapy – What is it and why should we try it?

Halotherapy is a form of alternative medicine which involves breathing in salt through the air.   It is a 100% natural therapy which is increasing in popularity, especially after the pandemic, as it is claimed that it can treat respiratory conditions, such as asthmachronic bronchitis, and allergies.   It is a wellness therapy that can easily be incorporated into your home or wellbeing room by installing a halogenerator which grinds salt into microscopic particles and releases them into the room.   Once inhaled, these salt particles are claimed to absorb irritants, including allergens and toxins, from the respiratory system.   This process is breaks up mucus and reduces inflammation, resulting in clearer airways.   Salt is also said to produce negative ions which theoretically causes your body to release more serotonin, one of the chemicals behind feelings of happiness.

2007 study published in the journal Pneumologia showed that dry salt inhalers, used up to 30 minutes each day, five days per week for three months, showed significantly improved symptoms in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Room Design – creating Zen in your home…

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Sommerhuber ceramic heated loungers

Here at Dröm UK we have noticed an increase in the amount of enquiries about halotherapy in your home. 

A popular choice is to incorporate the benefits of both relaxation and salt into by installing heated ceramic loungers and a working salt machine into your wellness room.  The sleek, ergonomic loungers in our showroom (pictured above) are made of beautiful, velvet soft ceramic tiles. The under bench LED strip lighting adds a relaxing atmospheric glow to the room, with additional down-lighters in the decorative ceramic niches creating a relaxing ambience. The loungers store heat and then emit it back to the body via infrared long wave gentle heat. The ceramic tiles can be shaped into a range of designs, including benches, loungers and massage tables, to complement your room.

This soothing room has the added benefit of a small  HaloFX Halogenerator, situated on the wall outside,  injecting dry salt into the air.   Relax on the loungers, breathe normally and let the salt particles work their magic.   There are many benefits to salt inhalation including helping to alleviate respiratory problems, improve sports performance and soothe chronic skin conditions including ezcema and psoriasis.  It is also safe for children meaning the whole family can spend quality wellebeing time together.

What our staff say…

Dröm UK encourage our staff to utilise our products to improve and maintain their wellbeing and have found that our  Halotherapy room is very popular whether to help relax, unwind at the end of the day or stave off illnesses.

“I actively encourage my staff to take advantage of the health and relaxation benefits this room offers. I myself have regularly used the Halotherapy room to help my recovery from an operation” – Barry Smith CEO

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“Having an on-site Halotherapy room, especially in regards to our current global pandemic has been invaluable. During the last 18 months I decided to use this more regularly than I usually would and I have found that it has helped prevent colds considerably. I have also brought my 3 year old daughter, Everly, to use the room when she was suffering from cold symptoms invariably from her nursey and seemed to find that this really helped with clearing her chest and enabling a speedy recovery. I’ve even encouraged my grandmother who suffers from COPD to use the room and she has found that her sleep was vastly improved after each treatment.” – Lewis, Sales & Operations Director

“I love being able to relax on the heated loungers, taking some time out of a busy day to just be in the moment.   The added bonus of enjoying salt therapy at the same time really enhances the feeling of wellbeing.   Simple and easy, yet so effective.” – Sarah, Office Manager

Over the last 2 years since joining Drom, there has been a noticeable decline in how I am affected by my allergies since using our Salt Room. I’m also a keen reader and find this combination the perfect way to relax during my lunch break. – Hazel, PA to CEO


For more information on how to incorporate salt therapy into your thermal rooms, please call us on +44(0) 1932 355655.

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