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Retirement Homes and the Wellness Industry

We are seeing an increase in ‘Senior Living’ facilities embracing the benefits of thermal wellness. Many Retirement ‘Villages’ are focusing on luxury relaxation as their key selling points. They are a destination to look forward to rather than resign yourself to.

Lewis Hallet, Dröm Sales & Operations Director, has noted a shift in trends within our Retirement Home clients who focus on choice, independence, modernity, enrichment and luxury.

Heat is a great way of alleviating aches, pains and joint stiffness and infrared saunas are excellent for assisting with the symptoms of arthritis by boosting blood flow and reducing inflammation in the joints. The radiant heat can also help with muscle spasms, neuralgia and other muscular skeletal ailments.

Roca Nivaria Spa Tepidarium
Image courtesy of Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel – reproduced in Dromology brochure

“The International Council on Active Aging asked 267 senior living professionals this question: Will their community be based in a wellness lifestyle with options for care, or will it be based in care with wellness offerings, by 2023? About 60% of the respondents said their community will be based in a wellness lifestyle. These respondents included people who work in life plan communities, independent living, memory care, assisted living and other 50+ age-restricted housing.”

Source: focus-of-senior-living-operations/


A study compiled by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland and The University of Jyvaskyla have found that frequent sauna bathing can lower the risk of death from heart disease in middle aged and elderly people. The heat lowers blood pressure and increases the heart rate, increasing circulation as the blood cells dilate, increasing the oxygen levels around the body. They found that people who used a sauna around 5 times a week were 73% less likely to experience cardiovascular problems.

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For further information regarding options for your retirement home, please contact Lewis Hallett on +44(0) 1932 355655 or email us on