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Home > Latest Articles > Steam or Sauna – Which should you go for?

Steam or Sauna – Which should you go for?

At Dröm UK, we specialise in conceiving and constructing a bespoke and unique sanctuary to suit each individual home, hotel or health club we are invited to contribute to. Consulting with you and your clients – taking your vision and manifesting a reality beyond your imaginations.

But, steam or sauna? Which should you go for …..?

The main difference is in the type of heat each type of room provides. A sauna uses dry heat, typically heated between 180°F and 195°F with very low humidity, usually from hot rocks, a closed stove or infrared technology.  Steam rooms are heated by a generator filled with boiling water, typically heated between 100 and 120°F and have nearly 100 percent humidity.

We quite often know what we like, but do we know why we like it and is it the best for our needs?

Sauna Benefits:

The high temperature in the sauna releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers, sometimes referred to as ‘happy hormones’. Endorphins can ease the pain of arthritis and relieve muscle soreness after intense exercise. Sweating caused by high temperatures opens the skin’s pores and helps reduce levels of toxins and impurities in the body, eliminating waste and reducing the load put on the kidneys.

Sauna bathing also lowers blood pressure temporarily and improves circulation as the blood cells dilate, increasing the oxygen levels around the body.

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Aspen Sauna in Hampshire Family Home

Infra Sauna Benefits:

Radiant heat and long wave infra-red is absorbed by the surface of the skin and is similar to the heat we get from the sun and the lower temperature means a lower heart rate. Sessions in an infrared sauna can often last for around 30-45 minutes. This is why some people suggest that it is more comfortable, and potentially safer. This heat targets muscles, releases toxins as you sweat and reduces arthritic pain. It also lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. You can also benefit from chromotherapy lighting. Most infra-red cabins can be plugged in to a normal socket.

Infrared room Sain
Infrared Sauna – available in various sizes

Steam Room Benefits:

The heat produced by the steam helps the blood vessels to dilate, increasing circulation throughout the body. This can help provide relief from headaches and also boost your immune system. Toxins in the body are eliminated through sweating leaving the skin clearer and softer (especially if you exfoliate when bathing).

Inhaling steam is a great treatment for respiratory complications and is recommended for dealing with the common cold, flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, and allergies. Dry air passages are moistened and mucus is loosened by coughing or blowing the nose. The moist air also alleviates difficulty when breathing, throat irritation and inflammation of the airways.

Steam room in Surrey mansion leisure complex


5 Top Benefits for visiting a Steam Room or Sauna

  1. Clears the skin
  2. Relieves tension
  3. Removes toxins
  4. Can aid weight loss
  5. Increases blood flow and circulation

To find out more, call Dröm UK on 01932 355655.