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Drom 20 insta

Dröm UK was formed in 2002 by Kicki Carlsson and Barry Smith when, surprised by the lack of thermal bathing facilities available outside of Spa’s and Gyms in the UK, they decided to start selling prefabricated saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs to enable more people to enjoy the benefits of wellbeing in their own homes.

Fast forward 20 years and now Dröm UK is one of the world leaders in the design and build of luxury, bespoke thermal wellbeing rooms, with a unique showroom in Surrey and high end projects and clients across the world. 

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Kicki Carlsson & Barry Smith at the ‘Inspiration’ showroom launch in 2012

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, let us take a quick look back over the years including some of the lesser known facts about us.

Originally the company was called Dream Leisure, but Kicki, who was born in Sweden, believed a shorter name would work better as a brand and had always wanted to be able to use a Swedish word with Swedish characters.   So the name was changed to Dröm, which means dream in Swedish.   The Dröm UK brand was born!

Dröm UK  moved into our current premises in Byfleet around 15 years ago, having first opened in Squires garden centre in Twickenham back in 2002.    Originally just selling prefabricated saunas and steam rooms (from the Swedish manufacturer Tylö) alongside hot tubs and swim spas, the Showroom had a major overhaul in 2012 to showcase various, more bespoke, roomsets and wellness areas to demonstrate how the products could be adapted to traditional or contemporary environments and could be custom made to fit the space available.

Old Showroom:


New Showroom:

ABOUT Feature 2
Moroccan Doors leading into the Oasis
Bespoke steam, sauna and showers

The showroom opened with a glare of publicity and a huge party in November 2012 and has continued to develop and evolve to this day, and now includes several working rooms.

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Our staff are key.  From our amazing team of talented craftsmen and engineers to the hardworking office crew, our staff have always played an important part in the day to day running of the company.   Several have been with the company for many years and have seen some of the changes first hand.   We send our employees all over Europe for training purposes and even took the whole company over to Sweden back in 2015 for training (a trip that included some excellent downtime too!!)

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Even our vans are considered part of the Dröm family and most are named after the staff!  Look out for them in and around the London and South East area.


So as we raise a glass or two in celebration, we look forward to the next 20 years, helping to make wellbeing a part of everyday life and continuing to grow and develop whilst still providing the excellent level of service and friendliness we are known for.